I started to boulder again to gain some power for projects in Rodellar. Old ones and hopefully new ones. Luckily the amount of harder boulders around Aachen isn`t really, really low (there are not many, but a few) and the gym is open too... YEAH!
I could send some lines pretty quick this year which I couldn`t do last year, even if I just started to train somedays 2 weeks ago. I even got some videofootage. There are more, but I`m still not the owner of a good camcorder and a new laptop...
a boulder by Markus Jung in the Avalonia cave opend this year in spring. It should be around 7C, but even if it was easier a great line straight trough the little roof.
Rainbow Warrior:
From Mustafa "Muzti" Eren opend in 2004 in Nideggen at "Zementwerk". You need a periode of dry weather to touch the holds. Original it is graded 8A, but with my armspan it is easier. For those who`ll try the line now... It is clearly a topout boulder!
Öcher Crack:
Daniel Hinkelmann, a friend and a hard-working student, found this nice crag close to the university in Aachen. We decided to give it a try with meters of tape and almost now useful experience and skills in painful fingerjamming. With success we could open the buildering line "Öcher Crack". Who will give it a try?
Tocix Desire:
Before I started bouldering I could climb my personal project in Bomal. I combines 9 routes right in the middle of the wall. I don`t know if it`s a new combi, but no one could tell me anything about it.
It`s a long slowy rising traverse route from right to left and then up to pump your arms! 50 moves! Good to train your endurance in Bomal!
Start = "Toxic Climax"
bolt 1 = 1 bolt "Tantaloc"
bolt 2 = 2 bolt "Manhattan transfer"
bolt 3 = 2 bolt "Enchatillon"
bolt 4 = 2 bolt "Enfants de I'care"
bolt 5 = "Newton T'encule"
bolt 6 = 3 bolt "Bidis"
bolt 7 = 3 bolt "l'Insoutenable Légèreté de l'être"
bolt 8 = 4 bolt "Flagrant desir"
then to the top!
entering "bidis" |
traversing |
only rest |
In my opinion it could be the hardest combi in Bomal. Maybe someone is interested to confirm or deny it :)
Now I`ll work a bit more, save money, train more and sort things out to make sure that I can stay a long time in Spain.
Who wants to join? Let me know! You`re welcome!